Although there isn’t much Diary of a Wimpy Kid merchandise out there yet, one interesting item on the shelves now is the first “Diary of a Wimpy Kid” Parody. “Diary of a Stinky Dead Kid (Tales from the Crypt #8)” is a parody of “Diary of a Wimpy Kid,” “Twilight,” and Guitar Hero published by Papercutz. It’s a series of 4 stories written as a graphic novel. The target age range is 9-12 years old and the stories are supposed to be a little bit scary. Reviews of the novel have been very good but so far are primarily from people who enjoy the Tales from the Crypt series in general.
From what I can tell, the hardcover version is now on backorder. However, you should be able to find the paperback more easily available (and cheaper!). Here are some current prices:
Borders: paperback $7.95, hardcover $12.95
Amazon: paperback $7.95, hardcover $9.32 paperback $6.36