Looking for Diary of a Wimpy Kid shirts? One of the most popular is this Loded Diper shirt:
Unfortunately, one of the only places that you can find it these days is on eBay because they are no longer making them.
However, if you are looking for new Diary of a Wimpy Kid Shirts in general, Stylin Online has 30 of them, in both short and long sleeves. And they do ship Internationally! Some of my favorites include “Indoor Person,” “Don’t Be a Ploopy,” “Stealthinator,” and “Cheese Touch.” They also have a few hats and other accessories such as a wristband an a button.
Check out all of the shirts at Stylin Online and hopefully they will bring back the Loded Diper soon!
Please let me know when these shirts are available again
Bring back loded diper!!!!